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유한요소 해석/FEM 프로그래밍

GDS File format Basic properties of GDSII Integer Database : basi unit - nanameter (10^-9 meter), 정수 좌표 표시, 2^-31 ~ 2^31 Hierarchical : elements 가 cell/structure 로 group 화 되고, 중복하여 여러번 배치 됨. (효율적임) Cell 은 무한히 nested 될 수 있음. 5 GB 로 Polygon 10억개 표현 가능. Entity 의 실제 좌표를 얻으려면 nesting 을 역산해야 해서, 오래 걸림. Binary : compactness 를 위해 binaray 사용. ASCII 와 equivalnet 한 공식 binary format 없음. 다양한 회사들이 자체 binary-ascii converter 보..
Introduction to finite element methods Introduction to finite element methods (hplgit.github.io) Introduction to finite element methods $$ \newcommand{\uex}{{u_{\small\mbox{e}}}} \newcommand{\Aex}{{A_{\small\mbox{e}}}} \newcommand{\half}{\frac{1}{2}} \newcommand{\halfi}{{1/2}} \newcommand{\tp}{\thinspace .} \newcommand{\normalvec}{\boldsymbol{n}} \newcommand{\x}{\boldsymbol{x}} \newcommand hplgit.github.io Introduction to Finite Elem..
Full Finite Element Solver in 100 Lines of Python https://polymerfem.com/full-finite-element-solver-in-100-lines-of-python/ Full Finite Element Solver in 100 Lines of Python - PolymerFEM.com Tutorial on how to write a full FE solver in 100 lines of Python. This is part one of this tutorial series. polymerfem.com #!/usr/bin/env python # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General P..
Gmsh - Gmsh 로 mesh 짜기 Want to easily Make advanced detailed Hex mesh in Gmsh? | Numerica.pt Want to easily Make advanced detailed Hex mesh in Gmsh? On some commercial applications meshing is integrated like Ansys or Fusion 360, however on the open source landscape a mesh generation software is developed separately from the solver. Gmsh works w… numerica.pt
유한요소 해석 유의점 A person using the finite element analysis technique must examine the solution analytically in terms of (1) numerical convergence, (2) reasonableness (does the result make sense?), (3) whether the physical laws of the problem are satisfied (is the structure in equilibrium? Does the heat output balance with the heat input?) (4) whether the discontinuities in value of derived variables across elem..
유한요소해석 및 오픈소스 FEM https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13266480/running-salom e-script-without-graphics 1) Z88 AURORA(www.z88.de) -Z88 AURORA는 2009년부터 배포되었으며 FEM open source 코드인 Z88의 확장판이며 Z88은 GNU-GPL license를 갖는 open source FEM임 -Z88은 1986년 Frank Rieg 교수에 의하여 개발되었으며, 현재 Bayreuth 대학교의 Rieg 교수 연구진에 의하여 추가적인 연구개발이 진행되고 있고 Z88 AURORA는 Z88의 14번째 버전이며, Windows 32비트, 64비트 및 Linux 64비트, Mac OS X의 플랫폼에서 지원되며 Solver 뿐만 아니..