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역학 및 공학/Thin Film Mechanics

Thin Film Mechanical properties

Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 10th Australia and New Zealand Edition (idu.ac.id)


Mechanical Properties of Ceramics (patron.group)


Here are some resources to study the mechanical properties of semiconductor films:

  1. Research papers in relevant journals such as Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Materials Science, and Materials Science and Engineering
  2. Textbooks on materials science and engineering, such as "Mechanical Behavior of Materials" by Norman Dowling and "Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction" by William D. Callister Jr.
  3. Conferences and symposia such as the International Conference on Fracture and the European Conference on Fracture
  4. Online resources such as the ASM Handbook on Mechanical Testing and Evaluation




In general, the presence of hydrogen can alter the bonding between atoms in the film, causing changes in the mechanical properties such as:

  1. Hardness: Hydrogen can weaken the bond strength between atoms, leading to a reduction in hardness and increased ductility of the film.
  2. Tensile strength: Hydrogen can cause defects and voids in the film, leading to a decrease in tensile strength and an increase in susceptibility to fracture.
  3. Elastic modulus: Hydrogen can affect the stiffness of the film, leading to changes in the elastic modulus and resulting in a change in the film's ability to deform under stress.
  4. Residual stress: Hydrogen can cause internal stress in the film, leading to changes in the residual stress and affecting the film's susceptibility to cracking and deformation.



Q. Does annealing of silicon oxide and silicon nitride semiconductor film generally reduce residual stress? Or go up?

A. Annealing of silicon oxide and silicon nitride semiconductor films can generally reduce residual stress. Residual stress is a stress that remains in the film after deposition due to the mismatch in thermal expansion coefficients between the film and substrate.

During thermal annealing, the temperature of the film is increased, which can drive atomic diffusion and rearrangement, reducing the residual stress. The rate and extent of stress relaxation will depend on several factors, including the annealing temperature, film material, film thickness, and deposition conditions.

However, it is important to note that if the annealing temperature is too high, it can lead to increased residual stress due to increased film strain and crystallization. The annealing temperature must therefore be carefully chosen to balance the desired reduction in residual stress with the potential for increased stress.



Q. How high should annealing be for crystallization to occur?
A. For silicon oxide films, crystallization temperatures can range from 600-1000°C, depending on the deposition method and the specific material. For silicon nitride films, crystallization temperatures can range from 800-1200°C.


Q. Does annealing of silicon oxide and silicon nitride semiconductor film generally reduce residual stress? Or go up?

A. Annealing of silicon oxide and silicon nitride semiconductor films can generally reduce residual stress. Residual stress is a stress that remains in the film after deposition due to the mismatch in thermal expansion coefficients between the film and substrate.

During thermal annealing, the temperature of the film is increased, which can drive atomic diffusion and rearrangement, reducing the residual stress. The rate and extent of stress relaxation will depend on several factors, including the annealing temperature, film material, film thickness, and deposition conditions.

However, it is important to note that if the annealing temperature is too high, it can lead to increased residual stress due to increased film strain and crystallization. The annealing temperature must therefore be carefully chosen to balance the desired reduction in residual stress with the potential for increased stress.

In general, annealing is used as a way to reduce residual stress in silicon oxide and silicon nitride films, which can improve the mechanical stability and reliability of the device. However, the specific effect of annealing on residual stress will depend on the material and deposition conditions, and must be carefully considered in each case.

Q. How high should annealing be for crystallization to occur?
A. The temperature required for crystallization to occur in silicon oxide and silicon nitride films depends on several factors, including the material, the deposition conditions, and the film thickness. In general, crystallization is more likely to occur in thicker films and at higher temperatures.

For silicon oxide films, crystallization temperatures can range from 600-1000°C, depending on the deposition method and the specific material. For silicon nitride films, crystallization temperatures can range from 800-1200°C.


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