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Intel C/C++ Compiler : ICC, ICX, DPC++

Intel C++ compilers:

ICC (Linux), ICL (Windows) are classic Intel C/C++ Compilers. Whereas, ICX is an Intel nextgen compiler based on Clang /LLVM technology along with Intel proprietary optimizations and code generation.


  • You may use ICC for performance on CPU targets.
  • ICX enables OpenMP TARGET offload to Intel GPU targets.


Intel DPC++ compiler:

DPC++ compiler driver supports single-source cross-architecture compilation that can target CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and other accelerators. It is based on Clang/LLVM technology.


In short, if you are looking for performance on CPU targets, ICC/ICPC compiler would be an ideal choice. For OpenMP GPU offload support, you may rely on ICX/ICPX compiler. For single-source heterogenous cross-compilation (that can target CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, etc), DPC++ is the best choice.




출처 : oneAPI DPC++ vs C++ 2021 - Intel Community


oneAPI DPC++ vs C++ 2021

Hi, I have a question in which cases I should use oneAPI vs. C++ 2010 compiler. I understand that the classical Intel C++ 2021 compiler does not support GPU/FPCA targets, but is it save to say that I oneAPI DPC++ compiler offers everything that the classic
